Jul 11, 2007

Getting Used to Vista, and work as Ususal

having just got a new computer, with vista on, I'm after what 5 days, just now getting all my emails, favourites, found a skin for maxthon I like, revisted sites I belong to and loggin in. I've changed browser 4 times, lost my email 2 and when I found it, it didn't install about 8 times... geeze what a pain.... anyway all is well now.

Worked on EmpressGems fixing up a few things, but really thats all I have done...

oh yeah, I did some work on Hobits Hints 

I also added the Southern Gothic to websites to The Directory Submission Place I added another $20 for CanzDesign as well, I really love that place, just add your websites details, pay the money, and then in a few days the emails start arriving, that your website has been submitted to some directory or other.... and the spam from the directory starts coming.....

Ok, gotta go and rest, been online for 18 hours.....