Aug 22, 2008

Need a new Website Designer email us

Many people have a website, but their website designer is long gone or now charging way too much for updates, or just generally offering a lousy service. and now all you get is spam, your website is out of date, and you don't know what to do.... easy answer, get a new webdesigner.

The staff at Canzdesign offer second to none after sales service for web design, often making small changes for nothing at all, but otherwise at a reasonable fee. And changes will often be made with a day, 2 days if we are way busy, but there's usually someone available, that will do small job, but most important, is we answer our emails as soon as they arrive, not 6 weeks later.

We check our spam bins every day, to make sure we haven't lost your email to the spam lords, and suggest you do the same if you haven't received a reply from us within 12 hours.

Even if the email is just to say, ok, or we'll be able to do that tomorrow afternoon or something short like that. We hate to wait for days for a reply to an email and figure why should you wait to hear from us.

Anyway about the service, I even have a website that I receive all their emails, and go through it for them delete the spam. I send the ones that look like they are real, by reading the subject line or the first sentence the ones that have emails I recognize as a client right on to the person that's supposed to receive it.

Each person has their person email address, I have done this for 2 years now, and was talking to the owner, and he said that they had just been talking about what a wonderful service it was. And how in the 2 years I had been doing it, I had only sent on 5 emails that were actually spam, and 7 emails that weren't to the correct person in the company.

Not a bad record for a business that was getting 200-250 and are now getting about 500 spams a day, and have 18 employee's that usually receive about 1-3 real emails a day each.

The experience I received when I first went online of dealing with emails from 13 different groups, numerous friends and spam has come in handy, back then I received about 3-5000 emails a day, I used to have a screenshot that showed that after I had no internet connection for 1 ½ days, I was downloading almost 9000 emails. Hehehehe….

Now I only get about a 1000 a day, and I still manage to work doing SEO for 9 websites, and answer about an average of 40 emails a day. And do heaps of other work…..

Regards Lynn

SEO In San Diego, Southern California, United States, and New Zealand

Website design, redesign, website development and branding