Oct 14, 2007

How directory listings work in increasing your visitors.

To give an example of how directory listings work, to get people seeing your link, and visiting your site

I have a website I have done SEO work for for over three years. It's a relatively small e-commerce website selling gemstones and jewelery. www.gemhunters.com.au up until April this year I have only done onsite optimisation, not a lot of work, only a couple of hundred dollars a every 3 or 5 months, and her visitors where sitting around the 5000 to 5700 a month.

At the end of April 07 her website stats said she had 5009 visitors (tax month so visitors were down)

I stopped doing any onsite optimization, I started submitting her site to directory's, the owner
would only invest enough to do 100 submissions at a time, at the end of Sept 07 she had 9542
visitors. so she averaging even for her best month before I started submissions, and increase
of almost 4000 more visitors a month.

All up this client has spent just a little under $3000 on SEO and is getting as I said just over 9500 visitors last month.

The beauty of the SEO I do is if I stopped doing any SEO on her site right this minute, she would carry on getting about the same number of visitors, next month, next year, in 5 years. Sure it
would change a little on a monthly basis, but generally her monthly visitors would stay in the 7500 - 11000 per month range, as long as she keeps replacing the sold stock.

Let face it, in the general scheme of things, $3000 is peanuts,(and that was mates rates) but it really makes you wonder what would have happened if she had invested twice that amount of
money, don't you think?

I mean gemstones is a relatively small niche market, smaller than the gay market. I just did a search for a comparison of how many people searched for gay in relation to three gem related keywords, and the three gem words don't even rank.

Check out this results page of that search