Jun 24, 2007

Hobits Hints about SEO, Websites, Email Computers and the Internet

Hobits Hints about SEO, Websites, Email Computers and the Internet

I just found out I have a button on my toolbar that lets me post straight to this blog, which means i don't have to go login, and make a post, I can click do it, and it's published....

I'm a happy camper, little things amuse even the most intelligent among us huh...
Helpful hints about websites, branding, and getting your products out there
As I said in the last post, we shifted hobit and his hints to their own sub domain, I have add a heap of hints hobit has written in the past couple of months, so there will be 22 hints when the web designer goes though them and polishes them up, hobit can only write, he's not so good at using Photoshop, which I suppose if expected, there a lot of keyboard shortcuts and his claws go between the keys and get stuck. You can see his claws in the picture and imaging how difficult it is for him.

Oh thats cool to, you can just drag pictures off web pages and the insert themselves into the blog... I can see this blog is going to be used a lot more.... great stuff.

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