Aug 6, 2008

Different search engine ranking depending on where you live

Since my partner the graphic artist and web designer is now in San Diego, Southern California, I have been doing some testing, and getting her to do some search engine searches for me, the exact same ones I have done here in New Zealand, and the results are quite different. I always knew this was so, becuase google has several datacenters where it draws it's results from, but never had a chance to prove it before.
different search in different parts of the worlddifferent searches canz designcanz website design
Just click on the picture to see the real size view.
Interesting huh...... Best Regards Lynny Brown - Best SEO Results, from the BEST SEO!!! New Zealand Born, English speaking SEO. Not The Cheapest SEO, but I get Results that amaze My Clients and & other SEO's Contact Me directly. Lynny