Aug 7, 2008

Are several websites better than one?

A question that I'm often asked is it better to have several websites, or just a whole lot of information on one website.

It depends on how much money you have, but several websites, each on a specific subject, is better than one big website that has many things all mixed up together. SEO-wise several websites on similar but different subjects is a dream.

If you did have several websites, the idea would be to have the sites linked together; the sites could even look pretty much the same, so people would not necessarily know that they are going to another website.

The problem is of course is keeping several websites up-to-date is a big job, but that is when you hire an SEO that's also a web designer like me, to make sure the sites all running smoothly.

Regards Lynny
I was an SEO before I began to make websites, and I have experts in web design to make changes I can't do myself.